Thursday, March 18, 2010


Gracy has decided that when something's not going her way (like when momma wants to put lotion on her when she is wanting to play) that the best thing to do is bite momma with her new teeth. This is a problem. Today, she actually "got in trouble". I told her that it's not nice to bite and that she wanted to be a nice baby. I have no idea if she knows what this means or if she realizes that it's "bad" to bite, but it's pretty evident her biting is a retaliation tactic. Oh no! What am I going to do? This behavior is completely unacceptable. I really want to nip it in the bud (pun intended:-) Haha). But seriously, any advice welcome.

On another (much sweeter) note, Gracy is utilizing her first word very frequently. It began Monday evening when Justin picked her up to cuddle her before bedtime. It was very quiet and out of nowhere she said “Dada”. That was all she said as she snuggled into her dada’s chest. Now every time Justin comes home from work, she says “dadadadadadada” over and over again. Another word she’s using a lot is hi, but it sounds more like “ha”. So she tells puppy dogs, people on t.v., and basically anyone “ha!” “hahaha!”. I then explain to everyone that she’s saying hi (I’m not sure if they believe me or think I’m a crazy, naïve mom, and that ha to hi is a bit of a stretch). I’m sure though, because she’s using it in the proper context over and over again. Justin goes along with it, although I’m pretty sure he’s just placating me and not all that sure she has attached meaning to these words yet. She has said momma, but only twice: Once to my mom when she was crying right before I got there to pick her up after work and once the other day in the car when she was trying to get my attention. I’m not sure if she’s attached meaning to this word or not, but I think (or wanna think she has). Here’s my rationalization: she’s only said it twice because she’s not able to say it very well yet. But she really wants to say it and that’s why the two times that she has said it, she had just mustered up the ability because she wanted me so badly she was able to overcome her language barriers.

Another sweet note: This one is about my Justin. Yesterday was our anniversary, and we had decided to just eat at home (to save money and because Justin’s mom was cooking a roast and she’s an amazing cook:-) and go out to dinner Friday to celebrate. He had already gotten me a TomTom to get around Little Rock and told me my other gift was that I get to choose any restaurant I want for our Anniversary dinner. Needless to say I was pleasantly surprised when a beautiful vase of Roses showed up yesterday. So I guess I get three gifts! What a sweet fiancé.

Also, I went for a stroll yesterday with Gracyn. We walked up to the playground and Gracy loved the swings! I also did a little running. . . Running uphill with a stroller and a 20 pound baby is not easy when you’re out of shape! Yikes! When we got home, Sheryl gave me the web address for a running clinic she’s been doing and I signed up! So tonight we’re going running. . . hopefully I won’t die Wish me luck!

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